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APSC President’s Session at JCS2023 with Slide Presentations

! 29.05.2023 a Infomation

venue : Fukuoka, Japan

Find the differences between APSC countries in the following!! 
  1. Basic data of the member countries (Map, the most common cause of death, etc.)
  2. Basic data of cardiac societies (History, Number of Members, etc.)
  3. The main focus of the societies
  4. Expectations for the APSC and Japan

Presentations: click the title page to see the presentation 

  1. Dr. AKM Mohibullah, Bangladesh Cardiac Society
  2. Dr. David Foo,  Singapore Cardiac Society
  3. Dr. Dong-Soo Kim,  Korean Society of Cardiology
  4. Dr.  Gnanamoorthy Mayurathan, Sri Lanka College of Cardiology
  5. Dr. Jude Erric Cinco, Philippine Heart Association
  6. Dr. Mungunchimeg Dagva, Mongolian Society of Cardiologists
  7. Dr. Nadzir Juanda, Cardiac Society of Brunei Darussalam
  8. Dr. Sazzli Shahtan Kashim, National Heart Association of Malaysia
  9. Dr. Sok Chour, Cambodian Heart Association
  10. Dr. Suphot Srimahachota,  The Heart Association of Thailand
  11. Dr. Vijay Bang, Cardiological Society of India
  12. Dr. Wen-Jone Chen, Taiwan Society of Cardiology

Welcome meeting with APSC Presidents and JCS International Committee Members at a Japanese Restaurant, “Oimatsu” in Fukuoka